Property in Surrey – Finding the perfect home
Those embarking on a search for a property in Surrey might be surprised to find the market to be extremely active with properties moving from ‘For Sale’ to ‘Under Offer’ in a flash. There is a sometimes a notion that the property markets in the home counties are much more sleepy than neighbouring areas within Greater London, with an expectation that property sales are agreed at a much slower pace; Surrey is not such a location and we’re often contacted by frustrated buyers who are missing out.
So, how do you go about finding the perfect home in Surrey and how might a property finder be able to help?
Finding a property
Searching for property for sale in Surrey via portals is likely the first action buyers take, making enquiries with the selling agent when a property is of interest. Buyers can set up alerts when a property that matches their criteria, on paper, becomes available and the agent will have their details on their system which will also send them automated notifications if a property matches the requirements they’ve inputted.
Putting these elements in place might make a home buyer feel they’ve covered all bases and now simply need to wait for the perfect property to be delivered to their inbox.
The frustration begins when a buyer begins to see properties pop up during that they didn’t know were available until they were listed as ‘Under Offer’.
This is often the point at which buyers turn to a property finder. A property finder doesn’t simply scroll the internet searching for old hat properties that have been available for some time and are yet to sell.
To the buyer’s advantage
A property finder will have established relationships with agents in the search area meaning they’ll be made aware of properties long before they’re advertised on the internet.

Due to the property finder’s experience and their relationship with agents, it might be that properties deemed unsuitable on face value, such as those out of price range or physically not perfect, might actually be suitable. It could the possibility for strong negotiation based on the information disclosed by the agent or the potential a ‘wild card’ property might have meaning it could be ideal with a little imagination. It is a property finder’s job to find the perfect home, leaving no stone unturned and no option unexplored.
Surrey property market
Localised Surrey property markets are often very different, area to area demand and supply vary wildly. The types of properties sought by buyers in one area might be vastly different from the style and size of the properties in the highest demand in another location.
If you’re looking for a particularly sought after property type in one of the most desirable Surrey postcodes you must brace yourself for the competition you will have to beat to secure your dream home.
Idyllic family homes in the likes of Guildford, Esher and Woking are snapped up by buyers days after they become available to buy. Property in the best commuter spots such as Godalming, Leatherhead or Reigate are always in high demand – the commute times of between 30 and 40 minutes in these locations make the most saleable properties see buyers lining up for open houses and fighting it out to secure properties in sealed bids. Large detached homes in the exclusive areas of Virginia Water or Cobham are often sold discreetly and do not ever feature on the open market place.
Outside of London, Surrey has one of the most established property markets in the UK. The entire county is filled with exceptionally popular places to live, property prices have proven to be resilient throughout periods of political uncertainty; according to Zoopla average property prices across the county have increased by almost 20% in the past 5 years.
The benefits of using a property finder
There are certain factors which are commonplace amongst our clients; being time-poor and not feeling they have enough knowledge and therefore in our services, they are seeking assurance.
Keeping on top of a local market place and ensuring no opportunity is missed is incredibly time-consuming. Once buyers have been too late on several occasions they will often turn to a property finder to make sure they are aware of every suitable property. A property finder will also preview all suitable properties on the behalf of their client and shortlist only the very best to be viewed on an accompanied tour.

Relocating to a new area or simply lacking extensive property knowledge are both areas where a property finder can be a great help. With years of experience working in the industry, they can guide their clients on their buying journey, translate any industry terminology and give their opinions and insight on reports or information where necessary.
A property finder can not only navigate a local market and gain access to all suitable properties but they also understand the climate of a localised property market which can prove invaluable when negotiating and securing a home.
Surrey property finders
Property in Surrey is often sold entirely off market meaning it is never advertised on the internet or put in an estate agent’s window, no for sale board is placed outside and only those in the ‘in the know’ are made aware of the opportunity.
The off market part of the property market is a space which property finders operate within frequently; it’s one of the top reasons buyers will engage with an expert – for access to off market property.
By nature of the individuals who live in some of Surrey’s most exclusive homes they are frequently sold discreetly off market and property finders are usually the first to be contacted and informed of properties becoming available off market as they are a trusted source of reliable, committed clients and of course, due to their line of work, act with discretion.
If you’re looking for a property in Surrey and would like to explore our services with a member of the team please do not hesitate to contact us.